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DVD slideshow GUI

DVD slideshow GUI offers a very simple way to make your own slideshows. Just import your images, export them as an authored DVD-image(.iso) and burn it.

Import any type of image, any size.
Import avi.
Animate, Pan, Zoom, Rotate images.
Change image order move, copy, paste for one or more slides.
Resizing images/avi’s within safearea.
Exposition time for each slide.
Transition time for each slide.
160 Transitions.
Code your own avisynth transitions.
Random transition.
Text for each slide.
Add border to image.
Change fonts.
Place text.
Add textbox.
Add background.
Add wav music.
Add effects to images.
Add effects to the slideshow.
Add your own avisynth, Free Frame, Photoshop CHA/AMP effects.
Import Exif data with photos.

click here to Download
File size : 16.71Mb